Krisztina DEMETER

Krisztina DEMETER

Full name: Krisztina DEMETER
Role in project: project leader
Main affiliation: Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary
Main affiliation title: Full professor
Research topics: operations strategy, lean, digitalization
Personal website:

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Teaching: Supply chain and Operations Management, Operations Management, Operations and Process Management

TOP5 publications:
1. Csíki O., Demeter K., Losonci D. (2023) How to improve firm performance – the role of production capabilities and routines, International Journal of Operations and Production Management

2. Demeter K., Losonci D., Nagy J. (2021) Road to digital manufacturing – a longitudinal case-based analysis, Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management

3. Szász L., Demeter K., Rácz B., Losonci D. (2021) Industry 4.0: a review and analysis of contingency and performance effects, Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management

4. Demeter K., Losonci D. (2019) Transferring knowledge within multinational networks, Production Planning and Control

5. Demeter K., Szász L., Rácz B. (2016) The impact of subsidiaries’ internal and external integration on operational performance, International Journal of Production Economics, 182, 73-85.

Research projects:
1. 2020-2024: Senior member of the research team, Competitive company in the era of digitalization – a resource-based view (NKFIH K 135604)
2. 2017 – 2021: Project leader and participating researcher, the impact of Industry 4.0 on supply chains and economic structure (EFOP 3.6.2 -16-2017-00007), 12 participants
3. 2014-2017: Project leader and participating researcher, research project for Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (The impact of plant roles on knowledge sharing in manufacturing and supply networks – T 112745), 2 colleagues, and 4 students
4. 2010-2012: Project manager and participating researcher, “Competitiveness in Business” research project at Corvinus University of Budapest (EU and government funded project, TÁMOP-4.2.1/B-09/1/KMR-2010-0005),, appr. 80 participants; My specific research issues: the impact of globalization on operations management, contextual factors and servitization, competitive priorities and capabilities
5. 2009-2010: Project leader and participating researcher, research project for Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (The effect of contingencies on the relation of best practices and performance – T 76233), 4 colleagues, and appr. 15 students
6. 2005– 2007: Project leader and participating researcher, research project for Hungarian Scientific Research Fund (Capabilities of Hungarian suppliers in the automotive supply chain – T 049147), 2 colleagues
7. Participating researcher, University of Vienna, Dep. of Information Systems and Operations, “Staerken-Schwaehen Analyse des Productions-Standortes Ostösterrich Unter Besonderer Berücksichtigung Einer Eventuellen Standortverlagerung”
8. 2004– 2007: Participant and Hungarian country representative in the board of THENEXOM (European Thematic Network for Excellence in Operations and Supply Chain Management Education, Research and Practice – 109881-P-1‐2003-1-ES-ERASMUS-TNPP), a Pan-European project involving universities from all European countries
9. 1995– present: Sub-project leader and participating researcher, Hungarian Competitiveness Study program (sub-project title: Value Creation from functional perspective), rounds in 1996, 2000, 2004, 2009, managing 10-80 researchers per round, my specific research area: operations management related topics, joint success of business functions
10. 1993-2013: Country representative and participating researcher, International Manufacturing Strategy Survey
11 1989-2018: Country representative and participating researcher, Global Manufacturing Research Group