Levente SZÁSZ

Levente SZÁSZ

Full name: Levente SZÁSZ
Role in project: experienced researcher (BBU local coordinator)
Main affiliation: Babeș-Bolyai University
Main affiliation title: Full professor
Research topics: operations and supply chain management
Contact: levente.szasz@econ.ubbcluj.ro
Personal website: https://www.econ.ubbcluj.ro/cv.php?id=403

Google scholar link: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=0s-l_TkAAAAJ&hl=en
ORCID link: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8739-4097
Linkedin link: https://www.linkedin.com/in/leventeszasz/

Teaching: Operations management, Production management, Service management, Logistics, Supply chain management, Company valuation

TOP5 publications:
1. Szász, L., Demeter, K., Csíki, O. & Horváth, R. (2023), “Technology, lean, quality and human resource practices in manufacturing: how does size as a contingency factor matter?”, Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, Vol. 34 No. 2, pp. 234-264.

2. Szász, L., Bálint, C., Csíki, O., Nagy, B. Z., Rácz, B. G., Csala, D., & Harris, L. C. (2022). The impact of COVID-19 on the evolution of online retail: The pandemic as a window of opportunity. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, vol. 69, 103089.

3. Szász L., Csíki O., Rácz B. (2021) Sustainability management in global automotive industry: a theoretical model and survey study, International Journal of Production Economics, Vol. 235, 108085

4. Szász L., Demeter K., Rácz B., Losonci D. (2020) Industry 4.0: a review and analysis of contingency and performance effects, Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management, Vol. 32, No. 3, pp. 667-694.

5. Szász L., Rácz B., Scherrer M., Deflorin P. (2019) Disseminative capabilities and manufacturing plant roles in the knowledge network of MNCs, International Journal of Production Economics, 208, 294-304.

Research projects:
1. 2020 – 2022: Research director – Project title: „The fourth industrial revolution: overcoming the challenges of implementing Industry 4.0 technologies at manufacturing companies in Central-Eastern Europe”, national research project TE, project code: UEFISCDI PN-III-P1.1-TE-2019-1773
2. 2020 – 2022: Member – Project title: “Difuzarea inovării tehnologice în companii multinaționale: consolidarea rolului filialelor române”, national research projet PD, project code: UEFISCDI PN-III-P1-1.1-PD-2019
3. 2020 – present: Research director – Project title: „Romanian Economic Monitor”, open science research project
4. 2018– 2020: Research director – Project title: „Increasing the competitiveness of local suppliers of multinational companies in emerging countries – a knowledge transfer perspective”, national research project TE, project code: UEFISCDI PN-III-P1-1.1-TE-2016-0502
5. 2014– 2017: Research coordinator: SNF Scopes Joint Research Project: „Strengthening the role of Eastern European Manufacturing Sites in Manufacturing Networks: The influence of Absorptive Capacities”. The University of Applied Sciences HTW Chur, St. Gallen University, Babeș-Bolyai University.
6. 2008 – present: country representative – Global Manufacturing Research Group Survey
7. 2008 – 2016: country representative – International Manufacturing Strategy Survey