Full name: Máté BAKSA, PhD
Role in project: postdoctoral researcher
Main affiliation: AutoWallis Group
Main affiliation title: Senior Strategic Advisor
Research topics: organizational social networks, knowledge networks, digital transformation, automotive industry, business services industry, management history
Contact: mate.baksa@autowallis.hu
Personal website: https://www.uni-corvinus.hu/elerhetosegek/baksa-mate/

Google scholar link: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=qgyrtSUAAAAJ
ORCID link: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0834-4727
Linkedin link: https://www.linkedin.com/in/matebaksa/

Teaching: management and organization, organizational behavior, human resources management, management and leadership in public health organizations

TOP 5 publications:
1. Demeter, K., Losonci, D., Szalavetz, A., Baksa, M. (2023). Strategic drivers behind the digital transformation of subsidiaries: A longitudinal approach. Post-Communist Economies 35(7), 744-769. https://doi.org/10.1080/14631377.2023.2236864
2. Baksa, M., Branyiczki, I. (2023). The Invisible Foundations of Collaboration in the Workplace: A Multiplex Network Approach to Advice-Seeking and Knowledge Sharing. Central European Business Review 12(2), 87-104. https://doi.org/10.18267/j.cebr.322
3. Móricz, P., Marciniak, R., Baksa, M. (2022). Excellence and Renewal: Digital Transformation Patterns in the Hungarian Business Services Sector. Budapest Management Review 53(5), 32-44. https://doi.org/10.14267/VEZTUD.2022.05.03
4. Marciniak, R., Móricz, P., Baksa, M. (2020). Towards Business Services 4.0: Digital Transformation of Business Services at a Global Technology Company. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing 410, 124-144. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-66834-1_8
5. Demeter, K., Losonci, D., Marciniak, R., Nagy, J., Móricz, P., Matyusz, Zs., Baksa, M. et al. (2020). Industry 4.0 through the lenses of technology, strategy, and organization: A compilation of case study evidence. Budapest Management Review 51(11), 14-25. https://doi.org/10.14267/VEZTUD.2020.11.02

Research projects:
1. 2021-2022: Researcher, „The Role of Culture in Organizational Social Networks”. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Henriett Primecz. Funding: Ministry of Technology and Innovation, Hungary, No. UNKP-21-4-I-CORVINUS-36
2. 2020-2021: Researcher, „Organizational Social Networks in Times of Pandemic Crisis: Revisiting the Roles of Clusters and Bridges”. Supervisor: Dr. Imre Branyiczki. Funding: Ministry of Technology and Innovation, Hungary, No. UNKP-20-3-II-CORVINUS-57
3. 2018-2020: Researcher, „The Impact of Industry 4.0 on Supply Chains and Economic Structures”. Principal investigator: Prof. Dr. Krisztina Demeter. Funding: EFOP-3.6.2-16-2017-00007
4. 2017-2018: Researcher, „BehavEcon Lab Research: Negative Ties In Innovation Networks”. Principal investigator: Prof. Dr. Balázs Hámori. Funding: EFOP-3.6.1-16-2016-00013
5. 2012-2015: Research Assistant, „The Evolution of Management and its International and Domestic Social and Economic Background in the 20th-Century Hungary”. Principal investigator: Prof. Dr. Miklós Dobák. Funding: Hungarian Scientific Research Fund, No. 100592