December 6, 2023 2024-04-11 18:00Partnerships

The Global Manufacturing Research Group (GMRG) is a multi-national community of researchers dedicated to the study and improvement of manufacturing supply chains world-wide. Through systematic study and research throughout the world, the GMRG aims to improve manufacturing supply chains through the development of theory and dissemination of results. By sharing ideas, results, and concepts with research colleagues and manufacturing executives around the globe, the GMRG serves to strengthen the linkage between research and practice.

EurOMA Summer School is intended to develop a common knowledge base in Operations and Supply Chain Management (OSCM) within the community of PhD students and young researchers. The school is based on lectures, case studies, teamwork and discussions.The summer school’s aim is to help PhD students in defining relevant research topics and understanding the complex and relevant links with other research streams close to their PhD topic. This summer school will offer a unique learning experience for anyone who has an interest in empirical research at both the operations and supply chain levels, it will help participants immerse themselves in the latest research and developments at the intersection of operations/supply chain resilience and digitalization.Participants have the chance to meet prominent scholars in the OSCM field. At the same time, students meet a group of peers from different countries, thus sharing different perspectives and developing a network of relationships that will help them in developing their careers, the school offering a forum for exchanging ideas and building research collaborations.