Yang Cheng
August 24, 2024 2024-08-24 12:10Yang Cheng
Full name: Yang CHENG
Role in project: Senior researcher
Main affiliation: AalborgUniversity
Main affiliation title: Associateprofessor
Research topics: operations and supply chain management
Contact: cy@mp.aau.dk
Personal website: https://vbn.aau.dk/en/persons/cy
Google scholar link: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=Sx7Lb78AAAAJ&hl=zh-CN
ORCID link: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3082-4890
Linkedin link: https://www.linkedin.com/in/yang-cheng-2154bb1b/
Teaching: Operations management, Production management, Supply chain management, Technology management
TOP5 publications
1. Y Li, G Jia, Y Cheng, Y Hu (2017) Additive manufacturing technology in spare parts supply chain: a comparative study. International Journal of Production Research 55 (5), 1498-1515.
2. Y Cheng, S Farooq, J Johansen (2015). International manufacturing network: past, present, and future. International Journal of Operations & Production Management 35 (3), 392-429
3. Y Cheng, S Farooq, J Johansen (2011). Manufacturing network evolution: a manufacturing plant perspective. International Journal of Operations & Production Management 31 (12), 1311-1331
4. Y Cheng, A Chaudhuri, S Farooq (2016). Interplant coordination, supply chain integration, and operational performance of a plant in a manufacturing network: a mediation analysis. Supply Chain Management: An International Journal 21 (5), 550-568.
5. Y Li, Y Cheng, Q Hu, S Zhou, L Ma, MK Lim (2019). The influence of additive manufacturing on the configuration of make-to-order spare parts supply chain under heterogeneous demand. International journal of production research 57 (11), 3622-3641.
Research projects:
1. 2022- Global Operations Management Interdisciplinary Cross-Integration Innovative Talent Training Project, funded by China Scholarship Council (CSC) with a budget of around 4.320.000 RMB
2. 2020- Project “The role of industrial PhD programs in digital transformation of manufacturing: A university-industry collaboration perspective”, funded by Sino-Danish Center for Education and Research (SDC) with a budget of 1.715.000 DKK
3. 2019-2021 Global Operations Management Interdisciplinary Cross-Integration Innovative Talent Training Project, funded by China Scholarship Council (CSC) with a budget of around 3.000.000 RMB
4. 2018-2019 Project “Innovating your business: The application of 3D printing (3DP) on the development of components, processes, and supply chain in the wind industry” funded by Danish Wind Industry Association with a budget of 1.250.800 DKK
5. 2015-2016 Project “Contextual drivers of global operations network decisions: an Indian case” funded by the Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation with a budget of 288.000 DKK